What is the integrity of faith?
Many think when grace is preached in this dimension, you are giving people a licence to sin, but the reverse is the case, as God(not man) has taken away the license and power of sin over man, but He n…
View ArticlePrayer Today 071017
“Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in Thee: yea, in the shadow of Thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast. I will cry unto God Most High…
View ArticlePrayer Today – Beauty of the LORD… Upon Us
“Return, O LORD, how long? And let it repent Thee concerning Thy servants. O satisfy us early with Thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Make us glad according to the days wherein T…
View ArticleGrace and Liberty
We overcome by Grace through Faith. It was the same with Jesus, that all those who believed in Him (though having one sin or the other in their life’s), received forgiveness for their sins, thus recei…
View ArticleWhy Are You Not Progressing in Grace?
The issue with the church and many Christians today is not lack of power or purity but lack of faith to truly believe God, receive and use His Power in our life’s by Grace. It takes faith to truly acc…
View ArticleOvercoming the Stronghold of Law and Sin in Every Church.
In Every church their are always two categories of people, wanting to stay in her. The first category are those who truly got born again and seek to please God. The second category are carnal Christia…
View ArticlePhoto of the Day
Mercy Brown Vampire Incident Every town has its mysteries, but some places hold secrets far more bizarre than others do. The Mercy Brown vampire was roaming the streets and taking lives. She apparentl…
View ArticleJamaica: History and Future of a Paradise Island
Editor’s note: Missioner Cindy Mizes reflects on Jamaica’s history and the invitation to solidarity and mercy. I recently had the opportunity to visit the National Museum Jamaica, which opened my eye…
View ArticleFaithful_Worship
“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:24 Last week I wrote on the subject of “Faith”. This is part of a series of blogs titled “Let’s Talk” revisiting sp…
View ArticleWeeding Yields Renewing
I’ve spent a considerable amount of time pulling weeds this summer. Our driveway, along with other areas in our yard, slowly became overwhelmed with weeds. Therefore, the daunting task of weeding need…
View ArticleHow to Overcome Sin Prt.3
4. Look to Jesus Christ- Let your focus rest perpetually on Jesus who is the author and perfecter of your faith. As you focus on him, you are transformed into His image. Two major ways of focusing on…
View ArticleHow to Partake of the Communion in faith Against Sin.
The communion is the blood and the flesh of Jesus, which we receive in symbolism by faith through any solid food and drink which we set aside for this purpose. In Mattew14:22-24, we see Jesus take fro…
View ArticleHow to Overcome Sin Prt.4
5. Engage the Force of righteousness through faith- believing you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus 2Cor.5:17-21 and declaring it by faith no matter what happens is the secret to sustainabl…
View ArticleHow to Engage the force of Righteousness against sin Cont’d.
B) Keep Believing and Boldly declaring- Your Righteousness status and position in God through Jesus Christ should be boldly declared; even in the face of sin, the devil and all his accusations. Then, …
View ArticleIntersections
“Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.” – Jeremiah 6:16 A few years ago, Tim Elmore posted a blog about hel…
View Articleno. mercy.
there is mercy for the living there is mercy for the dead but there’s no mercy for the living who wishes to be dead.
View ArticleThere’s a better way.
“. . . by one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.” – Hebrews 10:14 How are you doing on your quest for perfection? Have you overcome that bad habit? Are your praying …
View ArticleLost in Translation
I recently moved houses and now live with a couple. You could say I’m lodging but I pay the full rent for a room. The landlord seemed nice on the phone when he showed me around the house via WhatsApp.…
View ArticleAugust 28, 2017
5:20pm Hallelujah!… Got resources… the Lord is blessing His children, the Lord is call’in His children! Gathering us under His wings. He would that none should perish… Every second is a blessing! Eve…
View ArticlePerfection
“I’m not perfect.” How many of you have heard that before? You probably hear it most often in Church. Well, I have some news for you. If you’re not perfect, you’re not going to Heaven. No unclean (or …
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